3 Ways to Keep Your Kids Close to Your Heart

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As a mom, you always have your kids on your mind. From what they are going to wear to what you will fix for dinner on any given night, you love them so much. One of the worst things about being a parent is when your children leave the home for a particular reason, whether it’s a camping trip, having a sleepover, or just going to school.

Even though a slight reprieve might sound good, after a while it just feels way too quiet and gets a little boring so we need to be reminded of our kids:

  • Baby Stuff
  • Personal Effects
  • Family Photos

All of these are things you might see every day and think nothing of it, but without them, you might also just feel empty.

They Grow Up So Fast

While it’s a joy and a privilege to watch your children grow older and become the best person you can mold them into, a big part of you always misses the joy of caring for a baby. Being a mother to a baby or toddler is one of the greatest joys of parenting and baby items are a great way to recapture some nostalgia from that beautiful time in both your lives.

Like some people might deal with their grief, memory and keepsakes from Memorials.com following the passing of a loved one, items from baby times can be made as reminders of the little ones. Making plaster molds or ink pressings of your baby’s feet is a great way to remember their little toes (maybe all 40) while framing their shoes has become a popular keepsake.

Some mothers also choose to store their child’s baby clothes away in a memory box with the added bonus of them possibly being passed down to their grandchildren when their own kids are ready to become parents themselves.

Reminders Everywhere

The family home wouldn’t be the family home without the kids’ stuff thrown all over the place. Toys left on staircases are a major cause of accidents in the home while footballs and baseballs contribute to many cases of broken windows.

But many of these personal effects from your children have given them some of theirs and your best memories. Holding on to your child’s first teddy bear or their favorite superhero toy when they are away is a wonderful reminder that they will be back soon. 

Days of Our Lives

Taking photos is an age-old tradition and the family photo is an excellent way to capture and memorialize a perfect moment in time. Getting the kids to stay still for more than two minutes can be challenging in and of itself, but getting the perfect family photo is a joy to behold. Also, with advances in modern mobile phone technology, expensive cameras aren’t necessary as you can now quickly whip out your smartphone and take as many pics as you like when the kids aren’t expecting it.

Photo albums are a great way to collect all of your favorite family photos in one place so you can get it out when the kids aren’t home and relive some of the best moments of your lives.

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