5 Plants to help you sleep better.

Hello everyone!  I am super excited to talk about something I’m very passionate about of which are PLANTS, to tell you the truth I could be a little obsessed and if you come to my house you will find many plants inside and out. There is something about buying plants and growing plants.

Today I will talk specifically about plants for your bedroom that will make you sleep better, will purify your bedroom, clean the air, reduce contaminants and even chemicals. Some plants will reduce asthma and they reduce humidity and mold, they will help us calm and reduce anxiety they can even help us with headaches.

So here I list my top 5 plants you should seriously consider having on your bedroom.


A little plant you could buy for $1-3 dlls. and its super easy to maintain. Besides producing lots of oxygen during the night, it does not require a lot of care or sun, so you can have this super beneficial plant on any corner.  Also reproduces fairly easy and quickly so soon you could have many Aloe Vera plants for every room in your house. This little plant not only will help you with the air and to sleep better,is also found to be extremely good on skin, helps with sun burns, cuts and bruises, some people even eat it for many beneficial health reasons.

2. LAVENDER plant

Many of us already know that lavender will help you to sleep, that is why there are many creams, shampoos, teas, etc made with this amazing plant. Not only it smells delicious it will help you calm, it will reduce stress and anxiety , will make you sleepy, and its proven to stop crying babies. This plant will need more sun, so just be sure to put it beside a window and water it constantly.


Common ivy its super beneficial for our house and bedroom. It’s also very cheap and easy to maintain, it grows as an ivy so the leaves will fall and soon you will have a big hanging plant. NASA named this plant as the BEST for air purifier. Reduces mold significantly and helps with respiratory problems.  Also improves your quality of sleep.

4. GARDENIA plants

The gardenia produces white flowers that smell delicious, one of the best in my opinion. It’s a strong and relaxing scent.  It is said that this plant will induce you in sleep as powerful as sleeping pills. It has been compared with Valium. It will help you relax and calm. Gardenias love sun, so be sure to place them on a full lit window so they can bloom and grow.


This beautiful plant will decorate your home and will help you tremendously. Some studies have shown that this is one of the best you need to have in your house, work, bedroom, etc. Purifies the air reducing many contaminants and chemicals, helps your with respiratory problems,  will reduce headaches, improve your productivity and it reduces eye irritation. On the higher cost compared to all the others but it is also one of the best! Plus its easy to maintain and it will not require much attention.

Well this are my top 5 plants, there are more options for you to consider and also very good, this are just the ones I liked the best and that are easy to find anywhere.

Here is my You Tube video with the Spanish version. Until next time!

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