Things To Think About As a New Mother

If you’re a new mother, there are so many things to think about, and it can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, there is no manual that comes with motherhood, and a lot of the skills that you need develop over time, as your child learns and grows with you. However, there are some fundamental things that you should think about if you’re in this position, to make sure that you are as prepared as you possibly can be for your new arrival, and we’ve noted them down here!

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Will you breastfeed or bottle feed?

This is an age old debate, and there are benefits to both sides of the coin. Many mothers don’t have the choice, and if you struggle with breastfeeding, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to bottle feeding your child, as they will still get the nutrients that they need this way. However, if you’re struggling with this, why not go on a breastfeeding course, to see if there’s anything that you can do to give yourself more of a choice over how you feed your baby? It is arguably the more natural option, and could help you to create a stronger bond with your child, but the choice is entirely yours when it comes to feeding.

Is everything that other parents say true?

When you’re pregnant, you’ll get so much advice from other people that you’ll barely be able to remember all of it. If you do something slightly different, you may feel as though you’re not doing motherhood ‘right’ and you should be following what every other parent tells you. This is not true, however, as these parents didn’t get a parenting manual, either. They learned from having children, but everybody’s experience is different, and everybody’s children are different, too. As a new mother, the main thing to think about is what you want to do, and what is best for your child, so keep it in mind that you’re going to get a lot of unsolicited advice, and you don’t have to listen to it if you don’t want to.

What kind of life do you want to give your child?

From day one, you have the opportunity to mould your baby’s life into something great, and your job is essentially to teach them about the world, so that they can go out there and experience it for themselves. As a new mother, it is important to ask yourself a few questions: what kind of life do I want my child to have, and what do I really want to teach them? For example, you may want your child to have an understanding that people live differently in different countries, and you can act on this by taking them travelling. Whatever it is that you feel is important to know, share this with your child as they grow!

So, there are many things to think about as a new mother, but the main thing is to relax, as there is no right way to do it! Create a loving home, give your child what you can, and everything will turn out just fine.



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