Tips to Help Your Child Cope with Stress

hello everyone, as we all know there has been a stress full unexpected turn to everyone’s life over the past few weeks with Covid 19 PANDEMIA World Wide. Most likely you are stuck at home with your kids who does not completely understand the situation.

Surely its a stress full time for EVERYONE including your kids so here I help you with some tips for them to make them cope with that stress better.

Stress is a natural part of a child’s life. However, when it becomes overwhelming, it can become more than just mentally draining. It can be harmful to your child’s health.

To help your child cope with stress here I point the following tips.

  • Help a younger child understand a stressful situation by explaining what is going on in simple, reassuring language. Offer understanding, support and lots of affection.
  • Don’t push your child too hard. Offer praise and encouragement as often as you can.
  • Help your child find healthy ways to relieve stress by taking part in physical activities or writing in a journal, for example.
  • Set a good example by demonstrating self-control and coping skills. Encourage cooperation rather than competition.
  • When efforts at home fail, seek outside help from a pediatrician or a child psychologist.
  • Tell your kids its ok to feel frustrated, sad, anxious, bored… and tell them you feel exactly the same way.
  • Play some board games, turn the music and dance and laugh (after all laughter is the soul’s medicine)
  • Go out for a walk on the evenings, the fresh air will help.
  • maintain a schedule, even though there is no school, kids feel secure while having a schedule.
  • Relax yourself, kids tend to copy us and they feel if we are not Ok, so try your best to be well for them.

Well hoping you all stay safe and be confident this will pass in a couple of weeks, practice patience and see the good in every situation. Now more than ever we need to unite as a whole WORLD to make things better.

with much love
