hello Everyone! Are you a mom or dad and you are having a problem getting your kids to focus when they do their homework? If you do, then this post is for you! It might be a daily battle between you and your kids to get them to do their homework without any excuses and with no arguing.


Believe it or not, there are ways to get your kids to do their homework without any creative stories on their part or unnecessary arguing. It’s no brainer that children do not like doing homework and will most likely never be thrilled about it being time to do their homework.


We all know that they might get stressed up with school hassle, but there are still some key areas that can make a big difference to get your child to do their homework. These are simple and not that hard to implement. You just need to be consistent and establish a routine.

1.    Be a Facilitator, not an Enforcer

While withdrawing privileges or threats of punishment may work in the short term, note that it will become less efficient as they grow older. Instead, make it as easy as possible for them to complete their homework by changing their attitude towards their homework. Encourage your child to tell you about exciting things they learn while working and remain available to help them if they require.

2.    Discuss Homework

Another step to make their homework more attractive to them is by sitting them down and explaining the assignments to them to make sure they have what they need and do not have any immediate questions. Help them figure out which homework is most difficult and find out if they are struggling with any specific subjects or tasks and get that done first. Set aside homework-free times such as Friday evenings in which to have fun as a family.

3.    Provide a conducive and comfortable space for them

Our children are unique, and they have different learning styles and skills; some kids might be satisfied with lying down on the bed while some with desk when learning. This is the reason why we as a parent need to provide our kids with a well-ventilated, well-lit, and quiet workplace, away from distractions such as their mobile phones or television.

4.    Praise them don’t Bribe Them

When your children do well in school or when they finish  make sure you praise them for doing well. This will further encourage their behavior and performance but do not bribe them continuously with special treats as this will not be effective in the long term (but that does not stop you from giving them treats when needed).

5.    Give them breathing space

To avoid them from burning out, allow them to take breaks whenever needed or make it an interval. Also, give them some time to play outside or walk and bike around a particular day when they won’t have to do any homework (it could be the weekend or any day of their choice). Remember there are kids still after all.

With these homework tips, you will hopefully see your child’s attitude towards homework change, making your life easier and helping them reach their full potential.

Goog luck with you and your kiddos! Until next time!