Treasure Pop a Ring Pop Game

Thank you Ring Pop for sponsoring this post.

family with ring pops on hamd

Hello Mamas, how is your summer going? Have your kids got bored already, and you have no idea what to do to entertain them? Well, I have a super fun, easy game for you and your kiddos. 

bowl of ring pops

The only materials you need is a board (we got ours at the Dollar store); we also got a pack of foamies (also for $1 dlls), but you can use any material you already have. Some other materials I can think of are plastic cups, pieces of those shipping boxes we all have. You only need to cut them into circles, squares, or any fun shape like ours that we did Ring Pop figures!  You will also need a pair of dice and, of course, some Ring Pops for this Treasure hunt. 

You will need 12 of these “shapes” and number them from 1 to 12. I used a sharpie for this. 

On the back, I wrote some clues from around the house. For example… ding dong, someone is here (and hid a ring pop on the front door). 

example of the foams with the clues

Then you need to stick those shapes into your board and have your kids decorate it as they like. 


Now the fun part begins… after you hide your ring pops in place, you either can hide 6 pops to have only half “winner” clues or do like me hide 12 pops on each clue! 

We did turns on rolling the dice, and whichever number appeared, that is the shape and clue you get! And they all ran into the place to search. 

son  finding a ring pop after reading the clue

My boys did have a blast preparing and playing for this game! This is also a great party idea if you are planning one.  It will give you and them hours of entertainment away from the electronics and running around.  It’s also a great way to practice patience during turns and teamwork to help the other find the clue! 

And after all the numbers are drawn, they can each enjoy a Ring Pop and indulge in the best sweet treat after a good run and laughter. 

3 boys enjoying a ring pop treat

This of course, is the base of a fun game; you can tweak and modify it as you please. 

I hope you plan something fun for your kids and I hope they have as much fun as mine did. 

Until next time.



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